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Stay Cool: Schedule Your Air Conditioner Tune-Up Early and Beat the Rush!

Feb 1, 2024 | Air Conditioners

It is always best to schedule air conditioner repair in advance. Even if you might not need to use it just yet, you’ll regret not taking care of your system earlier in the summer.

Three key advantages come from getting your annual tune-up started early. To beat the rush, first book your service whenever it’s most convenient for you. Early spring is a slower time for HVAC technicians because fewer homes are using HVAC systems and opening their windows. Second, if your technician discovers any system problems before the air conditioning season, you’ll have time to fix them. Third, to prevent a July breakdown, adjust your system while it’s still cold.

Annual maintenance of air conditioners pays off.
The performance of an air conditioning system is dependent on maintenance, regardless of its design or quality. Upkeep is necessary for air conditioners. Use your annual tune-up to save money and unwind rather than dreading it:

Tune-Ups Affect Efficiency
Regular air conditioning maintenance is more effective than unmaintained, unclean systems. To produce strong cold air on demand, make sure your system can breathe through thoroughly cleaned vents, ducts, returns, and coils.

Efficiency is increased through tuning.
Energy efficiency and system performance go hand in hand. Unclean systems operate more expensively and perform worse.

Recognize problems early
Though it happens infrequently, air conditioner parts might abruptly break. For the trained eye, there are usually warning signs beforehand. A specialist should tune your system once a year to identify issues early on when they can be fixed more affordably and easily.

Prevent Water Damage
Condensation must be eliminated and air conditioners must ventilate. The drain pan and tube system can accumulate dust, dirt, bacteria, and algae if they are not cleaned on a regular basis, which can lead to blockages and water damage.

Extending the life of air conditioners
Neglect for several years lowers efficiency and shortens air conditioner life. An annual tune-up will save you money if you don’t need to replace your system anytime soon.

Replacing When Prepared
Extended system life does not imply immortality. Eventually, air conditioners need to be replaced. By having your system inspected by a professional every year and having it maintained, you may schedule a replacement a few years in advance and prepare financially.

Take action right now. To get ready for summer, make an appointment for an air conditioner check and tune-up at your neighborhood One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning now.