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Handling a Deceased Rodent in Your Ductwork

Feb 6, 2024 | Ductwork

Encountering a deceased mouse, rat, or other small creature in your air ducts can be a distressing scenario for homeowners. The spreading foul air throughout your home is unpleasant, but rest assured, the issue can be resolved with proper cleaning and odor removal.

If the thought of handling this task yourself is overwhelming, consider outsourcing the job to HVAC professionals who specialize in such tasks. When contacting a service provider, explain the situation to determine if they offer animal removal services or can refer you to a suitable provider.

Identifying the Source of the Odor
The unmistakable odor of decomposition often alerts homeowners to the presence of a deceased animal. Follow your nose to locate the source, which may be within the ductwork or in other areas of your home such as the attic, basement, or crawlspace.

Carefully inspect HVAC vents for any signs of the deceased animal. If visible, proceed with caution. However, if the source remains elusive, professional assistance may be necessary to locate and remove the animal safely.

Removing the Deceased Animal
Once located, carefully remove the animal using protective gear such as rubber gloves and dispose of it properly. Contact local waste disposal authorities for guidance on proper disposal methods.

Thoroughly clean all affected areas with disinfectant spray to eliminate any lingering odors and sanitize the space.

Addressing Duct Leaks and Follow-Up
Steps After removal and cleaning, consider scheduling a thorough inspection of your HVAC system and ductwork to identify any potential entry points for animals and address any duct leaks that may compromise energy efficiency.

If lingering odors persist, professional duct cleaning may be necessary to thoroughly sanitize and deodorize the ducts, providing peace of mind regarding any bacteria or viruses left behind by the deceased animal.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and resolve the presence of a deceased animal in your HVAC vent, restoring comfort and indoor air quality in your home.